Briefing note: The Global Refugee Forum Multi-stakeholder Pledge on Economic Inclusion and Social Protection and the Intersection with GRF Policy and Evidence Pledge Initiatives in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda

The Global Refugee Forum Pledge on Economic Inclusion and Social Protection is a multi-stakeholder initiative involving 270 pledges by supporters and committed investments of over 1 billion USD; 88 states are involved in the pledge, including Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda. The pledge aims to galvanize concrete commitments from a wide range of stakeholders to advance the self-reliance of refugees, other forcibly displaced and stateless people, and host communities. It focuses on three thematic areas of work: law and policy; programs; and evidence. The thematic focus areas of the Re:BUILD Research Symposium – Access to Finance and Microenterprises; Access to Social Protection; Access to Jobs and Skills Development; and Access to Justice and Legal Identity – are interwoven and represented across these three pillars.

Law and policy pledge commitments made by States aim to build enabling environments to promote equal access to economic opportunities, employment, decent work, and inclusive government social protection systems. This includes the right to work, rights at work and social rights through access to labor markets, and contributory and non-contributory social protection systems to address poverty and vulnerabilities across all stages of life. Pledges support related rights such as freedom of movement, access to individual registration, documentation, and legal status, as well as access to productive land, education and training, bank accounts, and other financial services. Policy pledges also assist States and local governments in implementing national legislative frameworks, preparing for future needs and shocks, and promoting strategies that mutually benefit refugees, other forcibly displaced and stateless people, and host communities.