IOM Media Training

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IOM Media Training

Re:Build, recently participated in a three-day workshop organized by IOM with regional journalists from seven countries to share more about migration issues. During the workshop at Trademark Hotel, Nairobi Re:Build shared about the role of urban refugees and their projects.

The workshop provided some key takeaways that included the need for Re:Build services to be extended beyond the current two cities and working closely with the media to increase awareness about urban refugees and the need to advocate for more friendly policies for urban refugees and their vulnerable hosts to access decent employment. 

As a result of the workshop, Re:Build Program will be having media engagement activities in the two cities, Kampala and Nairobi, to establish contact, and interest media houses in project activities. Additionally, the program will need to create a media section on its website where media houses will be directed to pull resources in the form of videos and photos for use in covering their stories. The major events calendar will also be shared with media houses for them to plan and attend major milestones within the project.    
These actions are critical in raising awareness and support for the Re:Build Program's efforts to empower urban refugees and host livelihoods.