World Urban Forum

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World Urban Forum

The World Urban Forum 12 focus is on the critical role local action can play in accelerating progress towards urban sustainability. The phrase is also an invitation for WUF12 participants to take home values, innovations, solutions and inspiration from the Forum to lead transformational change: locally, together and now.

The WUF12 theme “It All Starts at Home: Local Actions for Sustainable Cities and Communities” is supported by six dialogues (adequate housing, climate change, partnerships, localization and financial empowerment, digital technology and innovation and finally the loss of home, each exploring a different dimension of the theme. The dialogues are high-profile events which provide structure to the whole Forum and serve as conceptual anchors to activities and discussions, as well as setting the agenda for policy and action. Curated by UN-Habitat and facilitated by global thought leaders and experts, the dialogues involve active discussions with the audience and collect key reflections on how to implement the New Urban Agenda and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.