Stakeholder Reference Group (SRG):Devising innovative ways to empower Refugees and Host Communities
Stakeholder Reference Group (SRG):Devising innovative ways to empower Refugees and Host Communities
Stakeholder Reference Group (SRG):Devising innovative ways to empower Refugees and Host Communities

September 25, 2024, Nairobi. Participants at the Stakeholder Reference Group Meeting listening to a presentation by Ms. Fortunata Kahura, Enterprise Development Officer at MSEA. (PHOTO: Nancy Mwangi/TheIRC)
Client Responsiveness (CR) is vital across all sectors, especially in the humanitarian field, where client voices and choices play a key role in shaping projects. To achieve this, it is essential to actively engage clients and other stakeholders in strategic and programmatic decision-making processes.
This is why a Stakeholder Reference Group (SRG) meeting is crucial—it provides guidance on issues related to contextual appropriateness and ensures alignment with the needs and preferences of clients and targeted communities. The quarterly meeting, convened by Re:BUiLD, operates based on the principles of equality, transparency, results-oriented action, responsibility, and complementarity.
Within the Re:BUiLD program, the SRG meeting offers a platform for key stakeholders that we work with, including local government representatives, community leaders from host communities, refugee leaders, private sector actors, government representatives, representatives from the client base, and community-based organizations (CBOs), refugee-led organizations (RLOs), local NGOs with shared objectives, and UNHCR focal points in Nairobi and Kampala, to voice their perspectives and gain visibility into the decision-making process within Re:BUiLD.
On September 25, 2024, stakeholders gathered at The Monarch Hotel for the 11th Stakeholder Reference Group Meeting (SRGM). The meeting brought together representatives from various organizations (Equity Bank, Micro and Small Enterprises Authority(MSEA), Shining Hope for Communities (SHOFCO), Pamoja Trust, government agencies (Department of Refugee Services - DRS), Nairobi City County Government (NCCG)), and community leaders (National Government Administration Officers (NGAOs) to discuss key issues affecting refugees and host communities in Nairobi. The issues were categorized into themes for more unpacking as highlighted below.
Key Discussions revolved around
Enhance access to Refugee Documentation for Business Registration
One of the critical challenges highlighted was the need for proper identification for asylum seekers. The Department of Refugee Services (DRS) confirmed that efforts are ongoing to assist groups in obtaining necessary documents for business registration. Stakeholders emphasized the importance of collaboration between DRS and Equity Bank to facilitate access to financial services for refugees.
Economic Empowerment Initiatives
Several agencies presented their efforts in supporting refugee and host communities:
Micro and Small Enterprises Authority (MSEA): Introduced the Nyota Project, targeting 100,000 refugees and 700,000 Kenyan youth. This initiative provides business grants ranging from EUR 372 to EUR 744 to empower entrepreneurs.
Shining Hope for Communities SHOFCO: Reported on entrepreneurship training provided to 334 groups, with a focus on beadwork and beauty services. They continue to link groups to Equity Bank for financial support.
Equity Bank: Shared updates on their loan program for refugees, which has so far benefited 292 clients with total savings of EUR 8,917.
September 25, 2024, Nairobi. Peter Ndagara , the Program Manager- Social Protection, from Equity Bank delivering his presentation at the Stakeholder Reference Group Meeting (PHOTO: Nancy Mwangi/TheIRC)
Jua Kali Association: Highlighted its Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) program, which supports refugees to gain certification to improve their employment prospects.
Challenges in Refugee Integration
The meeting addressed ongoing challenges such as delays in refugee documentation, limited employment opportunities, and access to government support programs. The DRS assured attendees that they are working to improve the registration process for refugees, particularly those seeking to relocate to urban areas for business purposes.
Spotlighting Community Success
National Government Administration Officers (NGAO) and community leaders applauded the Re:BUiLD team for their impact through economic training and livelihood services. A few refugees and a host community member shared their impact stories, demonstrating the effectiveness of stakeholder collaboration.Below are sampled highlights
Antoinette Nyambimbi - Refugee: Underwent vocational training and a start-up kit, enabling her to run a beauty salon in Kasarani.
Alex Macharia - Kenyan: “I am a Kenyan producer, lecturer, and mentor for young kids, with a music studio established following IRC internship at Kamata. I also am a farmer in Roysambu, earning an income from my farm. I truly appreciate IRC’s support, which has opened doors for me that has enabled me empower the Roysambu community by offering lower rates for my services compared to others.”
Eugenie Uwamahoro - Refugee: Gained cashier training through SHOFCO but faces employment challenges due to transitions in the healthcare system.
Looking Ahead
Claudius Maghanga, Re:BUiLD Program Manager in Kenya, emphasized that Re:BUiLD’s focus for Year 5 is economic sustainability of over 10,000 clients through connecting them with government and private sector actors for services such as MSEA facilities and Equity Bank financial services. He concluded by challenging each agency represented in the room to look into employment strategies that not only generate employment or business opportunities for refugees and vulnerable host communities, but think of sustainable and safeguarding measures for these opportunities.